Thursday, August 28, 2014

Father of ferry victim ends hunger strike 유민 아빠 김영오씨 단식 중단

."THIS Is Not THAT " What I try to Remember, when trials come."

      Dear:  Anonymous@tell20000, (I am not sure why I picked you to tell this story to...I hope it is from God Almighty.)  In June of 1990, when my first born son was 13 months old, he lost the ability to walk and speak.  He had a violent reaction to a vaccination that was designed to protect his life and health.  But my little boy was still alive and we could set about finding ways to recover some abilities, many other children across the nation had died.  The years that would follow would have many challenges, but my son was alive.  This was the first time I remember thinking..."This is not That"...This hurt and hardship is not as bad as having lost him in death.

      On August 30, 2005, the day after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, LA, I was told by DHR in Alabama to take my 3 year old foster son, who I had since he was 6 months old to a birth family members home to live.  The situation at that home was potentially very dangerous.  My leaving him, I can't quite describe to you, but as I returned home and  held the last little pair of  pajamas he wore up close to me,they still felt warm and smelled like him (I still have them) I just kept saying he is still alive.....He is still alive and he may return to me one day.  And as bad as this is.....This is not That.....This hurt and hardship is not as bad as having lost him in death.

     But what do you do if your child dies?  How can you say...This is not That?  This...Is....That!!! This is that horror that every parent fears.  I have watched the Steven Curtis Chapman family as they have publicly and privately mourned and grieved while struggling to breathe with the loss of their child, Maria Sue.  His song, "Glorious Unfolding" is the song I have tried to keep as my anthem and send to many South Korean families who are in extreme suffering due to the Sewol-Ho Ferry Trajedy on April 16, 2014.

    Whatever you may be must find your own comparison........This thing that you are suffering........Is there a worse thing that someone else is going through?  If you are may find a way to help them.......If you allow yourself to die....or take your can be of no help to anyone.
There is always a way to say...This is not That!!........I will bear This thing....And I will live to help and comfort those weaker than myself.  "I will say to myself......I may be their last hope....I will not leave them to suffer alone".   Dear Anonymous@tell20000 can you help find someone who can help the Father on the hunger that he will choose to live?  Can you reach him with this message.  He is my brother in Christ and I am asking him to......please don't be brave enough to die......please, please, be brave enough to live.